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Role of Leadership in students' life in school

BY ADMIN PUBLISHED November 14, 2023, UPDATED November 14, 2023

A leader is a person who knows the path shows the path and follows the path. No one is a born leader. In students, leadership qualities are created and nurtured over the years. But how to develop leadership skills in students? Well, a great leader makes goal setting, time management, communication, accountability and decision-making a priority. So, it is important that schools use different learning techniques to make students understand the importance of these factors. Becoming a good leader is not an overnight process. But if schools organise different leadership activities for students, one day they will become great leaders of the future.

At DPSG Dehradun, we nurture leadership skills among students for a brighter future. Our facilitators offer a progressive learning environment with all modern-day amenities. Teachers and staff believe in providing a child-centric programme so that they can acquire leadership qualities and become great individuals in tomorrow’s India. We believe in providing overall development in students, and thus our curriculum includes visual arts, vocational arts and physical education. 

Important Leadership Skills for Students to Learn

Learning leadership skills for students is very important. It is the driving force that takes an individual a long way, not just professionally but also as a great human. Having some leadership qualities elevate social skills among students. Here are some leadership skills that every student should try to acquire to become a great leader in the coming years. 

1. Good Listeners

A good leader is the one who makes strong decisions, but a great leader is the one who takes other’s opinions into account and decides. To weigh the pros and cons while deciding, leaders must ask individuals about their views on the subject concerned. Therefore, students should acquire the skill of listening to their fellow classmates and teachers and then use their critical thinking ability to decide on things. For that, schools can organise debates and discussion events where students will be given a topic to discuss, argue and come to a decision. 

2. Better Decision Makers

Students who can make good decisions become great leaders of the future. It is an inherent quality of all good leaders. Individuals will only follow leaders who are on the right path and make good decisions. To do that, schools should encourage activities which allow students to hone their thinking abilities. Teachers can provide various problem-solving activities to students that would help them decide on certain ambiguities and eventually make the best decisions. 

3. Positive Individuals 

An ideal leader possesses a positive mindset. It is important to develop other leadership qualities in students. It helps students stay focused, prevents laziness, keeps students joyful and gradually leads them towards success. To derive a positive attitude, schools can keep a calming learning environment. Student leadership in schools can be achieved when students understand the importance of having a positive attitude. 

4. Confident

Confidence is the key to becoming a great leader. If students don’t believe in themselves and their abilities, no one else will have their faith in them. Schools are the greatest institutions to awaken confidence in people. Whether it is about starting a new club, organising an event or standing at the class monitoring election, it will help students develop confidence in themselves. Schools can also organise public speaking events or dancing and theatrical competitions so that students can showcase their talents and overcome stage fright. These are small initiatives that will enable students to become confident individuals. 

5. Role Models

Student leaders have a hard time getting recognised by their peers. But, if they do, they become more significant role models than adults. It is common for teenagers not to like an adult authority. In such a scenario, an effective student leader would be a good inspiring figure to follow. If students choose their leaders, it will be a great alternative to those who gain power just because of their higher academic ranking. After all, a great student leader is beyond having good academic grades. 

Top Leadership Qualities

Every good leader possesses some common leadership qualities. These are:

1. Motivation

One leadership quality in students is that they are motivated and motivate others as well. They wish to inspire and be inspired by other people. Great leaders are go-getters. They don’t sit around for a change they make it happen. 

2. Accept Backlash

A quality of good leaders is to accept criticism as much as to accept praise. Both will come along the way and a good leader can only make himself/herself better by accepting backlash and improving them in every step. 

3. Self-responsibility

A true leader will not blame others and take responsibility for their own actions. Blaming others for a mishap cannot be accepted as a good leadership quality. 

4. Problem-solving skills

People will always look up to their leaders as an individual who can solve all problems. Thus, students should be taught general problem-solving skills to tackle difficult situations in life. 

5. Communication Skills

Adapting the skill of communication may not come naturally for many people, but if you want to be a leader, it is important to possess it. Knowing several languages to communicate is one way of connecting with people. But, it is what and how you’re talking about something is a task. 


Students should acquire leadership qualities from an elementary level. It is very important to stand out in the crowd in this competitive world. Every student has the qualities to be a leader. It is thus important for schools to provide an opportunity so that they can dig deeper to bring their qualities to the front. 

At DPSG Dehradun, students get a chance to attend the student leadership program, which is an initiative taken by the Student Council. This programme was designed for students so that they can nurture their leadership skills. We at DPSG set up camps and offer collaborative activities on conflict resolution, team building and communication. This way students get hands-on opportunities for dealing with tasks, challenges, and issues. 

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