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“A school can only be as good as its’ Faculty.”

Teaching Faculty at DPSG DEHRADUN is selected through a process of intense background check, face to face interactions, classroom demonstrations and mutually agreed upon roles and responsibilities. Our academic staff is the flag bearer of what we stand for and the mission and the vision that we aspire to achieve. The School today is proud to have a staff that is committed and caring and ever willing to go that extra mile.

Through the years, the School Management ensures that the faculty continues to upgrade itself through training and capacity building programmes, specially designed to meet all the learning teaching gaps and to keep abreast with the world of education. 

Professional Learning Communities

At DPSG DEHRADUN , we ensure that professional training is integral to teacher growth and evolvement . Teacher training programmes equip our teachers with knowledge and skills that are relevant for the future and open wide vistas of teaching pedagogy exposing our educators to the best practices in the world in order to help transit seamlessly into a 21st Century learning teaching.

With our new Curriculum Design the teachers are now gradually shifting from traditional-based teaching that is largely based on theoretical educational processes to a research-theory-based teaching that informs and inspires teaching practices. The school is committed to providing top quality teacher training and strives to keep its teachers in constant contact with teaching innovations and incorporating new research findings in their teaching practices.

Our Professional Learning Communities meet every Saturday in Subject and level wise teams to brainstorm, ideate and pen down the best in pedagogical practices in the world which can be supported by research and data. Together our teams of teachers frame and design Units of Inquiry that are thought provoking and constructive in nature. These PLC sessions expose the teachers to innovative and interactive tools and techniques of teaching and assessments. The learnings and skills acquired during these trainings and PLCs programme have redefined the student learning and the teaching learning process.

The PLCs are able to  leverage the collective wisdom of teachers from or across schools to  that the students receive the best support. The PLCs are Coordinated by Teachers in several subject-wise, land each group is anchored by teacher leaders in the level -wise groups.

While designing the UOIs the discussions include the essential questions, the provacative question, the backward design , the formative assessments   etc. ensuring that the design addresses all the key concepts and the learning outcomes for that unit.


In a world that is changing rapidly , keeping abreast with the new knowledge, new norms and new thinking is absolutely imperative in an educators life. DPSG DEHRADUN ensure that its teachers remain current and up to speed with the latest of educational pedagogies and thinking  in the world

The Teachers Training programme aims at developing in teachers an understanding of the DPSG Learner Profile based on the four pillars of education as well as the various aspects of curriculum transaction such as designing appropriate learning outcomes, using multiple assessment strategies and selecting of appropriate teaching learning material.

Like the Curriculum our training programme is Teacher led and encourages inquiry and research. It gives our teachers the opportunity to collaborate with each other, across all DPSG Schools and to acquire the knowledge skills and competence needed to stay aligned with our students interests and stay tuned to the world of education.

Our Training programmes not only impart a lot of good educational thoughts and practices but also build  confidence in our teachers through handson simulation of classroom scenarios where teachers present their ideas and thoughts to a live audience of other teachers.

Our Teacher Led Online Professional Development ProgrammeA twelve days long programme saw teachers actively engaged in training sessions in varied capacities as resource persons, facilitators, moderators and as participants. The programme witnessed Presentations on pre- reading assignments set for them the evening before in order to trigger thinking. This was followed by Capacity Building Sessions which addressed issues like how to conduct Inquiry, ,the importance of building a connect with the students, the art of questioning, ‘Reflection’ as an empowering tool and writing a good lesson plan i.e. the Unit of Inquiry.

Exchange Programs: Today with the internet bringing us together, real time, physical exchange porogrmmes are now being replaced by online collaboration and virtual exchange experiences with reputed schools across the world. DPSG DEHRADUN  recognizes the fact that it is in sharing and partnering with communities beyond our schools, that the mind awakens to broader thinking. Collaboration with schools across the world is the need of the hour and this is feasible today with access to the advanced technology that the school has. Our teachers are members of several learning communities world wide and participate in online discussions and sharing of views and ideas , in them. 

Innovative Pedagogical Tools: Through trainings and PLCs our teachers are exposed to good and unique pedagogical practices and have learnt how to access and use resources available on line in order to enhance learning. The Padlet, the Quizzlet, the finer offerings of MS TEAMS, Kahoot, Crossword Puzzle makers, and innumerous virtual sites that add to the lesson planning are now an integral part of our teachers pedagogical practices.

Blended Learning has always been a useful pedagogical practice and Fliupped Classrooms are used to encourage research and Inquiry.  Assessments are continuous and ongoing and digital resources are used to conduct these instant assessments ensuring that the joy of learning is retained.