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Student Council


The School started operations in April 2015 and in 2017 the House System was formalized.


Students have a voice and a contribution to make to their school. It is important that they be given the opportunity to express their views on issues of concern to them in the school. It is equally important that they are listened to and encouraged to take an active part in promoting the aims and objectives of the school. We at DPSG DEHRADUN, can proudly say that we value and understand the importance of Student leadership and hence provide them with an opportunity to experience leadership and develop various skills.


School CaptainKanva Mahin Kaur
School Vice CaptainShwetank Guleria
School Sports Captain (Boy)Aditya Rawat
School Sports Vice Captain (Boy) Viraj Borkakoty
School Sports Captain (Girl)Rubal Maithani
School Sports Vice Captain (Girl) Annvi Negi
School Cultural CaptainAnushtha Kapil
House Captain (Alpha)Priya
House Captain (Alpha)Harsukh Kasruja
House Captain (Beta)Eshani
House Captain (Beta)Divyaman Ghale
House Captain (Delta)Vanshika Bartwal
House Captain (Delta) Harshit Pathania
House Captain (Gamma)Aarohi Singh
House Captain (Gamma) Ojas Yadav

House Vice-Captain (Alpha) Kunal Singh Rawat
House Vice-Captain (Alpha)Abhigyan Singh
House Vice-Captain (Beta)Sargam Rawat
House Vice-Captain (Beta)Aditya Samuel Marqus
House Vice-Captain (Delta)Subhangi Ujjain
House Vice-Captain (Delta)Samarveer Singh Shah
House Vice-Captain (Gamma)Akshara Thapa
House Vice-Captain (Gamma)Jaskeerat Singh



Kanva Mahin Kaur is a shining example of dedication. Known for her exceptional organizational skills and compassionate approach, she inspires her peers to strive for excellence. Kanva's ability to balance academics, extracurricular activities, and responsibilities has earned her the respect of students and staff. Her vision for the school is rooted in fostering unity, promoting innovation, and encouraging everyone to reach their full potential.

The prefectorial system at DPSG DEHRADUN, is one of a kind which empowers students to develop appropriate skills, attitudes and values. Prefects are chosen through a democratic process involving nominations, campaigning, public speeches and a self-reflection session. Prefects are elected from grade 9 to 12 and are entrusted to be positive and enthusiastic, encouraging and motivating fellow students. Be cooperative, helpful, well-mannered, trustworthy, and responsible. Be respectful toward teachers, their peers, and the school environment. Display leadership qualities like; confidence, initiative, problem-solving skills.

Through the a responsibility, the focus is on maintaining school’s image as a leading institute for 21st century learners.


"Young people aren't the leaders of tomorrow. They are the leaders of today and tomorrow" Kathy Calvin(Chief Executive Officer of the United Nations Foundation)

A ceremony of investiture is symbolic of a myriad of different important aspects of human life- growth, maturity, belief, faith, duty and sincerity, to name a few. These solemn aspects gain heightened gravity when it is young blood that is being invested with the power to lead, the power to change, the power to amend, the power to guide and most importantly, the power to learn.

In the Investiture Ceremony, the Students’ Council is formally invested by the teachers for the academic session of one year. After the badging ceremony, the whole council takes the oath led by the School Principal. Each student of the school is instilled with a similar sense of pride and admiration on hearing their words of motivation.


At DPSG DEHRADUN we believe that students should be given a wide range of opportunities to develop and practise leadership skills in preparation for life beyond school. Being a part of School Council is one such opportunity among many others.

Student Leaders are the school’s role models and with School Council, we aim to provide students an opportunity:

To empower to work in partnership with peers and towards shared goals.

To enable creativity to flourish as the school community benefits from the wealth of experiences, ideas, skills and sense of fun that students bring.

To develop leadership skills through a variety of inspiring, challenging and valued projects which impact positively on learning, teaching and well-being for both students and staff at DPSG DEHRADUN School.

To prepare students for Higher Education and for achieving personal and professional excellence in life after formal education.

The Student Council has defined Roles and Responsibilities which include:

  1. Maintaining general student discipline , during break time , on school buses,
  2. Uniform checks,
  3. Assisting the administration in organizing school events ,
  4. Looking after classes on those mornings when staff have mini-briefings,
  5. Organizing litter patrols
  6. Attend regular fortnightly meetings with other School Council members from each class.
  7. Take ideas and suggestions your class have to discuss at School Council meetings.
  8. Help to organise school events throughout the year.
  9. Encourage the pupils in your class to be aware of their school environment and to respect and care for it.
  10. Assist in the efficient governance of the school
  11. Ensure students’ best interests are primary
  12. Enhance the educational opportunities for students
  13. Ensure compliance with relevant legislation and regulations

The school has four houses: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta

In the Senior School there are two School Captains a boy and a girl and each House has a House Prefect and Vice Prefect, for the girls and for the boys.

Their responsibilities include, being role-models, Assisting House Masters, organizing teams for various competitions, encouraging participation and developing a healthy House spirit.

Besides the House Prefects the school also has a Sports Captain (Boys) and a Sports Captain (Girls), an Environmental Secretary and a Discipline Captain.

House System

Houses are the heart of all activities that a school holds and pulsate with a spirit of competition, a sense of belonging and radiating passion and high energy. It was decided to find a nomenclature for the houses that stood for radiation and energy. With Science and Technology being the order of the day the Greek letters that symbolize radiation and emission or transmission of energy became a natural choice.

Thus, the Houses were named after the Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta radiation is the term used for the emission of energetic photons

ALPHA House: The First- The Leader

Motto- Upwards and Onwards

Alpha, both as a symbol and term, is used to refer to or describe a variety of things, including the first or most significant occurrence of something. Alpha was the first nuclear ray to be discovered. The word Alpha denotes power and dominance.

BETA House: The Strong and Volatile

Motto- Reach for the stars

Beta is a measure of the volatility. A beta particle, also called beta ray or beta radiation (symbol β), is a high-energy, high-speed electron or positron emitted by the radioactive decay of an atomic nucleus during the process of beta decay.

GAMMA HOUSE: Strong with High Energy

Motto- Stand together, Stand tall

A gamma ray, or gamma radiation (symbol γ or.), is a penetrating electromagnetic radiation arising from the radioactive decay of atomic nuclei. It consists of the shortest wavelength electromagnetic waves and so imparts the highest photon energy.

DELTA HOUSE : The Leader who influences change, new leadership

Motto- make the best better

The energetic electrons that periodically transfer a relatively large amount of energy to an electron by a nearly head-on collision along the path of the primary ionizing particle, causing secondary ionization. These are referred to as delta rays.

Games & Sports Activities

S.No Year House Position Sports Captain
01 2017-18

Beta 226

Alpha 165

Gamma 147

Delta 126

Srishti Sharma
02 2018-19

Beta 123

Alpha 119

Delta 83

Gamma 76

Shreaansh Singh Bisht

Vaishnavi Negi

03 2019-20

Beta 116

Gamma 108

Delta 75

Alpha 72

Manpreet Singh

Anamika Rana