The DPSG Literary club was started to enhance the linguistic and writing skills of the students and developing in them logic and curiosity to know more, while instilling in them a confidence to speak well.
The students actively participate in literary and creative events at school. They learn skills which include those activities where students get a chance to learn and exhibit their potential when it comes to Debate, Declamation, Creative Writing, Recitation, Poster Making, Slogan Writing, Theatre etc. After acquiring the skill, the DPSG student is ready to participate in various inter and intra school competitions.
To develop and hone the literary skills of the students, the club inspires students to develop a taste for literature and also works in the direction of expanding their horizon of spoken and written language. Its intricate agenda includes a variety of activities aimed at building confidence and grooming the talents of students in facing various interpersonal challenges and competitions. Students get a place to share emotions and thoughts and acquire some highly valued skills like effective communication, collaboration, leadership and interpersonal skills.
The activities are as follows:
Theatre Club is an integral part of DPSG FARIDABAD right from its inception. It was established with the belief that participating in theatre classes stimulates student's creativity and thought process. The whole experience of theatre makes them more aware and sensitive towards various social issues. Regular meetings at theatre club help the children to fine -tune their interactions with their peers and with faculty members and they have the opportunity to promote collaboration by developing a better connect with their peers who share similar interests and imparts dynamism to their personality. Play writing original works and dramatic presentation of existing works help to build the self-esteem, creativity and communication skills of the students. Our students have performed exceptionally well in various nukkad nataks /street plays highlighting the social issues such as say no to plastic, save environment, child labour where they also developed their citizenship skills. On Teacher’s day occasion our faculty members also displayed their talent through a street play highlighting the role of experiential learning for students.
The students take keen interest in scientific activities and take the initiative to plan, organize and evaluate various science related events. This skill includes the following activities:
At DPSG FARIDABAD students are nurtured and encouraged to develop an independent ideology, optimistic approach, enabling him/her to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life. Our faculty makes sincere efforts to motivate a child to think critically, analyzing a given situation according to the level of the child. We aim to provide a child with a practical and realistic set of skills to increase their personal safety, confidence and ability to communicate and how to assess and avoid potentially dangerous situations.
The students of DPSG FARIDABAD take initiative in organizing and participating in technology related events e.g. I.T fairs, competitions etc. and show keen interest in computer related activities. This ICT skill is honed during through participation in the following activities:
The 21st Century learner cannot do without technology which is absolutely essential to enhance the enquiry based student led learning, the integral component of the DPSG curriculum.
Experiments with Einstein - 7-11-2020
With the aim to inculcate a scientific temperament, aptitudes & skills among the students of classes III to IX, and encourage the spirit of inquiry and discovery, major scientific discoveries through the ages re relooked at and examined.
Students are encouraged to collaborat4e together, display teamwork and leadership skills, as they band together to make working models, hands on experiments, take part in Cosmic trivia, as well as the scientific facts behind “magic”
Aryabhata Maths Quiz- 5-12-2020
“ Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations and algorithms: it is about UNDERSTANDING’ William Paul Thurston
Specifically looking to hone mathematical skills in the students of classes VI to VIII, as well as create an interest and passion for the subject, removing all myths, phobias and fears for the subject, a Maths quiz is planned, keeping creativity in mind., with mathematical activity and spot on games.
Developing a critical and analytical mindset as well as clarity of thinking are the skills wished to be developed amongst our students.
English Elocution -2-01-2021
A confident orator, with perfect pronunciation, diction, voice modulation and expression is what all Elocutions strive to foster amongst its students.
A common platform where students develop these skills and appreciate the beauty off both Poetry as well as Prose, is what this Inter House Competition strives for. It is amazing what a child can accomplish once he understands the reason why he is doing something. Everything else falls into place naturally.
कबीर के दोहे
कबीर के दोहे हमें जिंदगी का फलसफा सिखाते हैं, वे सीख देते हैं कि हमें अपनी जिंदगी किस रूप में और किस प्रकार जीनी चाहिए ।चाहे कबीर आज इस दुनिया में नहीं हैं, मगर उनकी कही गई गूढ़ बातें आज भी हम सभी के लिए अंधेरे में मशाल का काम करती हैं।कबीर जो हमारे सबसे निष्कलंक पुरखे हैं।
कबीर एक व्यक्ति होने के बजाय व्यक्तित्व हैं, जो दुनियावी होने के बावजूद जाति-धर्म से ऊपर हैं। दुनिया को आईना दिखाते कबीर समाज में व्याप्त कुरीतियों पर कुठाराघात करते हैं।उनके इन्हीं विचारों और आदर्शों को ध्यान में रखकर डी.पी.एस.जी.फरीदाबाद विद्यालय द्वारा अपने देश के भावी भविष्य को उनके विचारों और आदर्शों से अवगत कराने के साथ-साथ उसको अपने जीवन में शामिल करने के लिए सभी विद्यार्थियों की समझ विकसित करने हेतु इंटर हाऊस कबीर दोहा वाचन प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन किया जा रहा है।जो उन्हें न सिर्फ वर्तमान में एक अच्छा नागरिक बनाएगा बल्कि भविष्य के लिए भी तैयार करेगा, जिससे वह 21वीं शताब्दी में समाज और अपने देश के साथ- साथ प्रत्येक जाति , धर्म और विश्व सभ्यता के साथ भी कदम से कदम मिलाकर आगे बढ़ सकेंगे।