Assessments drive and guide the rigour and standard of academic transactions as the true purpose of assessment is to ensure quality education. As many UOI Assessments will be conducted as a part of formative assessment as the number of UOIs per subject. Every UOI Assessment will be followed up by an assessment dialogue and the reflection by students and teacher. The teacher ensures to familiarise the learners at the beginning of UOI about the full course of the journey through the Inquiry and the assessment plan as well.

The proposed weightage would be as under:-
For classes Nursery and Prep
No formal Assessment ; however teachers communicate important milestones in students development through informal assessments.
For class 1-5
All UOI Assessments conducted during the academic year (cumulatively) - 40 %
Mid Term and Term End Summative Assessments - 30 % each.
For classes 6-12
All UOI Assessments conducted during the academic year (cumulatively) - 40 %
Two Pre Board Assessments will be conducted.
Mid Term and Term End Summative Assessments - 30 % each.