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1. How is PYP Curriculum different from the other curriculum?
The Primary Years Programme (PYP) of IB provides an educational framework based upon how young children learn. It draws on the best practices in elementary school instruction. It allows greater scope for teacher interaction and collaboration to enable a child centric instructional methodology. It is carefully thought out to develop knowledge, skills, attitudes of a learner through relevant learning engagements. The themes takes up are relevant and contextual to the learners thereby making learning interactive and meaningful. Under PYP, the same size does not fit all and hence every learner gets ample voice, choice and ownership of his/her learning.
It is application based and practical and covers a broader learning spectrum for holistic development.

2.How does the transition from PYP to CBSE happen? Is it convenient for the learners?

The transition from PYP to CBSE is a smooth one. With a few years of PYP instruction, the learner develops into an inquirer and is able to delve deeper into the area of study through mindful research. Also, since PYP lays more emphasis on application of knowledge rather that memorization, the learners are able to use the learning in a constructive manner and have been found to be more involved even at a later stage.

3.Is IB recognized in India? What about its global recognition?

IB demonstrates rigorous standard and rated at par with ICSE, CBSE and AIU( Association of Indian Universities). 

4.What is the trans-disciplinary approach and how does it foster better learning?

In the PYP curriculum, the learners are taken as learners for life. The learning transcends the boundaries of subjects and the curriculum revolves around issues of global significance. This is done through an Inquiry based approach. Each Unit is developed keeping in mind the broader concepts, skills to be developed, what desirable attitudes will the learners display, the knowledge that would be constructed and the further action taken. The themes transcend beyond the walls of the classroom and are applicable to real life. Thus, a PYP curriculum is defined by the six trans-disciplinary themes:
  • Who we Are
  • Where we are in Place and Time
  • How we express ourselves
  • How the world works
  • How we organize ourselves
  • Sharing the Planet

The experiences provided through these themes have a logical sequence and are built upon gradually from one year to the next. These Units are based on Science, social studies, personal and social education. There is a connection between the disciplines making learning integrated and useful.

5.How can I, as a parent support my child?

As a PYP learner, a child is a confident individual with a perspective who makes meaning of what he/she learns. As teachers and parents, we can facilitate their learning in several ways.
  • In the early years, we can assist them with their self-management (organizational) skills by assuring that their homework is done by guiding to make a planner
  • Inquire into what they are learning and communicate 
  • Support what they are learning at school by planning family trips according to the Unit being transacted
  • Reflect and hold think aloud session at home and being updated with the learner portfolio

6.What is the need of the PYP Exhibition?
A PYP Exhibition helps a learner display the learner profiles. It is mainly the through action in the PYP Exhibition that the international mindedness of the learners come to fore. They are encouraged to deeply engage with some challenge that has global significance and think of methods to act upon it through collaborative planning. Hence, they develop individual problem solving as well as group skills that are of utmost importance for the 21st century learner.

7.Is the PYP Exhibition assessed? How?
Assessment plays a crucial role in any learning. Needless to say, a PYP Exhibition must also be assessed. It is assessed through written, oral, visual and ICT medium. Learners are free to choose the medium through which they would like to exhibit their learning. They may be assessed individually or in a group as they choose to. As always, the success criteria is always developed and discussed with the learner beforehand which is what they need to meet through the medium they choose.