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Health is Wealth

How DPSG students are keeping themselves fit in the lockdown?

BY ADMIN PUBLISHED September 19, 2020, UPDATED January 5, 2023

In my previous blog I talked about some lifestyle changes that have come about in our life and more importantly what we should imbibe from this lockdown.

It is true that social distancing and online classes have become the new normal for our kids, but this also raises an important concern that we all should focus on – the physical wellbeing of the children.

Staying cooped up at home and confined to their rooms due to online classes has definitely taken a toll on their health. Most have gained weight and become lethargic. Not that we can blame them, but we surely need to help them. This is the time when parents should encourage them to take up physical activities at home – dancing, yoga, exercising, cycling etc.

These will help them improve not only their physical health but also keep them mentally fresh and alert. Some parents may have second thought about how it can be done and may say that they do not have the means for it.

Well no sweat! DPSG International has left not stone unturned to ensure that our students remain fit and active even in these conditions. The students can join the online fitness and yoga session being held everyday in the morning and also join the performing arts session and learn Western or Indian dance as per their interest. This will not only keep them fit but will also enhance their skills and talent.

Ms Nitu Agarwal

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