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Student Council

DPSG International is committed towards building confidence and self-esteem among students. We offer an inclusive student empowerment programme to integrate leadership and responsibility in the curriculum. The School Student Council is a forum where the students cumulatively experience the connect between their formal learning and its application in real life situations. It provides opportunity to develop leadership skills by proactively participating in all school processes, sensitize students towards the community welfare. The Student Council ensures adherence to student code of conduct and thereby a safe and conducive environment for all.


A leader is the one who knows the way, shows the way and goes the way.

The school has a robust Student Council System to identify, train and empower students to become future leaders. The students from Classes IV-V in Primary Wing and VI-XII are appointed to various posts after they undergo intensive selection. The selected students are assigned posts as per their skills and abilities. They undergo vigorous physical and mental edification to inculcate and hone leadership and life skills.

The School Student Council board is headed by the School Captain who is the President of the Student Council selected from Class XII and by the Junior School Captain selected from Class V. They are ably assisted by Captains and Prefects. Together they aid the faculty in organizing various events and are assets to the institution.


The Student Council members are appointed after a rigorous selection process. The students fill the Prefectorial form/ leadership inventory which serves the purpose of self-assessment and self-exploration. The selected students then pass through the three levels of interview with house moderators, coordinator & HM and finally with the Proctor and Head of the School. A Leadership camp is organized annually to provide the select group with grooming through various sessions on leadership attributes and adventure activities. The Student Council plays a pivotal role in dealing with various issues related to discipline, order and behaviour among in addition to the events’ planning and execution.


The students who apply for selection to the Student Council attend an intensive leadership camp and training session. The camp includes various team building and planning activities conducted under the able guidance of skilled instructors and coordinators. Various life skill sessions on Time Management, Decision Making, SWOT Analysis, Moral Values and Etiquettes, Framing a Code of Conduct etc. are also conducted. The students stay at the chosen camp site under the supervision of the faculty eating sleeping, enjoying and interacting with each other and learning basic life skills. These sessions bring out their latent talents and help in their grooming.

Those students who get the honour of being selected as member of School Student Council are prepared for handling their new roles in a responsible manner. Their training under the guidance of teachers and professionals aims to inculcate managerial and organizational skills, problem solving skills and communication skills. Above all, they are trained to bring out the best within themselves as human beings, to work in teams and to demonstrate exemplary behaviour.


The XVII Investiture Ceremony at DPSG International wasn't just about badges and titles. It was a celebration of the values that define our students: dedication, collaboration, and a commitment to excellence.

School Principal Ms. Amita Bajpai awarded the badges to the student leaders and presided over the Swearing in Ceremony of the newly appointed Student Council.

The symbolic lighting of the torch ignited a spirit of purpose, further emphasized by School Captains Tazkiya Waseem Qadri and Mohit Tiwary's inspiring speeches. They outlined a vision that promises a year of positivity and student well-being in the school.


“Great leaders are trailblazers, making a path for others to follow.”
Truly a day to remember, the Investiture and Badging Ceremony for the session 2023-24 was conducted at a grand celebration at DPSG International wherein 63 students were sworn in to carry forward the legacy of the school. The Head of School Ms. Soma Singh administered the Oath of Office to the newly elected Student Council.
The event was presided over by Mr. Rajesh Khanna, Director, Ghaziabad group of Schools, DPSG Society. Congratulating the students, Sir said that leadership was all about caring and compassion. He blessed them to be healthy, happy and focused, to invoke their inner strength to become better and succeed.
The esteemed guests Dr. Anil Tomar, Group Medical Director- Navin Group of Hospitals, Ghaziabad and Mr. Ranjeet Singh Rai- Managing Director Quantace IMF Private Ltd. inspired the students to come forward, join hands with solidarity and celebrate their leadership. He called them the voice, hopes and dreams of the country and encouraged them to redefine leadership in the present times.
Taking great pride in the capabilities and leadership qualities of the students, the Head of School, Ms. Soma Singh spoke about humility being an essential attribute of leadership. She said that each and every post had great value and responsibility, reminding the student council that they were now role models and trail blazers for others to follow.
The entire DPSGI fraternity joined in to witness the Ceremony and bless the children as they took up new roles and responsibilities as young leaders of a new generation. The event closed with the vote of thanks proposed by Wing Coordinator and Proctor Ms. Rekha Guleria.


Shobhan- Sharma- We wish our School Captain, Shobhan Sharma, all the best in his new position of responsibility for the coming year. He is an innately creative student and he exhibits his brilliance in theatrical performances, Public Speaking and Basketball. Is confident, humble and leads by example. Heartiest congratulations on being selected as the School Captain.

Bhavya Singhal- Commitment, an earnest sense of responsibility, sincerity and perseverance are the words that describe Bhavya. Academically very bright, Bhavya is an excellent team player and maintains calm in all situations. She exhibits exemplary scientific temperaments and has been winning accolades in prestigious events like the National Children’s Science Congress. Heartfelt congratulations and wishing good luck to the newly selected School Captain!



The School House System forms the bedrock of peer learning and develops the students towards taking ownership of the house/school, promoting collaborative competition and foster healthy relationships across wings: Junior, Secondary and Senior Secondary. It provides students opportunity to move beyond the confines of their classrooms and cohorts into wider student community spanning across grades and age groups and subject streams. The House System fosters sociability, compassion, team work and healthy competition, giving students a sense of belonging to the school community. DPSGI has four Houses named after the holy rivers of India that are symbol of life and motivation.

Cauvery House

The river Cauvery has been serving as the life blood of ancient kingdoms and modern cities and has been held in great reverence since centuries. The House derives its name from the river which has been the elixir of life. The house is represented by yellow, the colour symbolizing light, energy, vivacity, joy, positivity and rejuvenating forces of nature. Creativity, joyful participation, innovation, zest and team spirit is the signature of this house.

The students participate enthusiastically in the activities and competitions and the teachers guide and facilitate them not only to hone their own skills and talents but also to be valuable members of the society. Man y students have left their mark with their laudable achievements and they continue to encourage their juniors.

Satlej House

Satlej is the longest of the five tributaries of the river Indus. Born from the ephemeral streams in Tibet, it flows through the historic crossroads of Punjab and Pakistan bestowing bounties on innumerable people and places along its course. The beautiful spirit of this river that sustained the Indus Valley Civilization is captured in the Green colour that marks this house. Students exhibit freshness, vivacity, harmony and the qualities of steadfastness and good-will. They take remarkable initiative in every activity they participate in and their commitment, perseverance, vigour and team spirit is worth emulating. The mentors of the house display equal enthusiasm and expertise in polishing them to become selfless individuals and responsible citizens.


Born in the lap of the mighty Himalayas, the river Ganges since ancient times has been sustaining life of millions of people and is considered holy because of its innate ability to wash off all sins. The colour blue symbolizing calmness, purity, serenity, stability and inspiration is the representative colour of this house. Students representing this house showcase all these qualities with elan. They participate in all the activities with fortitude, reliability and compassion with the teachers mentoring them on the desired goals.

The enthusiasm and fervour of the house are electric and motivates all students to work on the path of excellence.

Yamuna House

Beginning its holy journey from the Gangotri Glacier of the Himalayas, the river Yamuna makes its adorable presence felt all over Northern India. Being a tributary of the river Ganga, it reflects the spirit of the mighty river and rejuvenated life all along. Red is the representative color of this house. Qualities associated with red like passion, courage, vivacity, ambition and determination are reflected by the members of the house. The mentors of this house groom them relentlessly so that they embrace any challenge with confidence and overcome them.

Their spirit of love and joy in whatever they do, steadfastness, leadership, grit and urge to sacrifice makes them win the appreciation of one and all. These qualities and their inspirational achievements make them invaluable members not only of the house but of the community and the country.