All roundedness is the theme of modern education which recognizes that when the child comes to the school he comes for mental physical, social, spiritual, vocational and holistic development and as such he must be educated and nourished in all of them.
At DPSG,PV we believe the three traditional R's should be replaced by seven R's that is Reading, Writing and Arithmetic (denoting school subjects in the old concept of education), Rights, Responsibilities, Recreation, and Relationships (new four R's in the context of democratic values).
The different clubs at Primary Wing (i.e. Basketball, Football, Gardening, Calligraphy, Personality Development, Cookery, Art, Best Out of Waste, Dramatics, Computers, Music, Dance, Yoga ) are designed keeping in seven R's in mind that are mentioned above and the different essential skills and values.
Communication skill – the power of expression; listening to others; public speaking
Moreover, students also feel a sense of belonging to the school and have higher self-esteem by participating in structured activities. This makes the students feel happier, healthier and involved.
The broader purpose of this club is to provide
some guidance to the teachers through the wealth of available materials and
support, to provide a platform for sharing ideas and experiences and to explore
some areas that are at the cutting edge of what is, for many teachers, the most
powerful instrument in their school bag: languages (English, Hindi, Foreign
Languages) as a tool for preparing the students for 21st Century
with the skills and competencies.
Maths clubs are dedicated extra-curricular maths get together that breathe new life into maths beyond the classroom. The Purpose of Math Club is to develop students' level of Math skills and knowledge. Sometimes mathematics teaching in classrooms becomes so monotonous that the students became restless and get easily distracted. Mathematics club provides excellent opportunities for students to break away from the monotony of rigid and structured classroom environment.
This club is organized to give students an opportunity to meet and benefit from sharing scientific interests and abilities. Projects are designed to stimulate interest in science, engineering and technology and to train students in techniques of innovation and creativity.
Practices like you have never won. Perform like you have never lost.
“Dance is not about
finding yourself but it’s all about creating yourself”
The performing arts in education provide students with the opportunity to pursue dance as a hobby. Students not only feel relaxed and refreshed but it also helps them to improve their mental strength. The objective of dance club is to teach basics of different dance forms. It develops their confidence to perform in a large audience and engages the mind, the body, and emotions into a collaborative expression.This club in DPSG Palam Vihar not only boosts up the morale of the students but also highlight their talent of dance and creativity. It provides opportunities to dance lovers to prove their talent and also create opportunities for them to pursue their artistic exploration. This club plays an important role in maintaining the positive environment in the school.
Through dance, students learn teamwork, focus, and improvisational skills. It awakens new perceptions in children which help them learn and think in new ways.
This club strives to provide an outlet for all students interested in music. It is the mission of the Music Club to provide every student with the opportunity to learn and develop a deeper understanding of music through various performances. Club members use their club time to rehearse, perform together or solo and offer encouragement to other members in their musical pursuits. Each member is encouraged to introduce new music and ideas to the club. Various forms of music like Classical vocal , Semi-classical vocal , Western vocal, Instrumental , Bollywood and Sound recording techniques are taken up in this.
Model United Nations, also known as Model UN or MUN, is an educational simulation and/or academic activity in which students can learn about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations. MUN involves and teaches participants speaking, debating, and writing skills, in addition to critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership abilities. It is meant to engage students and allow them to develop deeper understanding into current world issues.
The club aims to improve the ICT skills of its members by nurturing their creative and programming skills, sharpening their research and presentation skills. The club also aims to promote innovation among its members as they seek out technological solutions to problems that may arise in a school environment.
Rang Birang Club
The Art Club allows pupils with a shared interest in art to gather and create art. Through their weekly sessions, the students explore different media such as paint, batik dyes, water colour, oil pastels and mixed media. These art projects provide platforms to enhance their creativity and self-expression, and to gain a greater understanding of concepts and ideas in art. It encourages students to look at colours, shapes, textures and designs differently. The Art Club is a place for practicing artists to hone in on their skills, develop their techniques and portfolios, collaborate with other artists like themselves, create bonds with the community through the arts, and learn how to work together through group projects that will beautify the school and community.
This club allows students to build self-esteem as they learn to trust in their own abilities, accept constructive criticism and receive encouragement and praise from their coaches. During Clubs, our specialists focus on developing students skills that will help them in school, future careers, and personal relationships.
Breathe Out Stress Breathe In Peace is the motto of this club.
The yoga sessions are carefully structured with various breathing exercises are incorporated to suit different age groups. Plenty of repetition is used for the younger children to reinforce what they have learnt. We largely focus on correct yoga postures, easy breathing techniques, yoga games, relaxation, and meditation.
We work on a morning session, with a structured curriculum under the supervision of a Yoga specialist. Our students at this tender age themselves say Yoga helps to feel .Strong,Calm, Confident.