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DEAR programme - Drop Everything And Read is an activity at DPSG Sushant Lok to cultivate and promote reading habit in our students. Our aim is to encourage students to read and explore. 

A well-stocked library-cum-resource center has been set up for the benefit of both teachers and students.

School Library provides sharing poetry, book review, inviting authors and book lovers, celebrating great author in creative ways, organizing writing mela, book designing, inviting artists to have group thinking activities.


“Keep reading. It’s one of the most marvelous adventure that anyone can have.”

-Llyod Alexandar

Libraries for Children are essential for information and development. Early childhood literacy is important- the earlier a person starts to access information, the more efficient and life-long this access will be. 

In DPSG the Junior Library is built as child friendly reading corner to provide another space for children to learn. It offers a comfortable area to encourage students to read. The teachers, knowing what books a student enjoys, help them choose books that are similar to their interests. The kids have wonderful and lovely ambience to explore. The walls are painted with colorful pictures and there are variety of books. The books are all for varied interest of the readers from a Panchantra lover, to a lover of Superheroes to a silent Science Explorer to a lovely and bubbly Fairy Tales story lover. The books provide for children to familiarize with reading and information literacy. As children read, they can expand their vocabulary through interacting with challenging words, and if they’ve selected the book themselves, they’re likely to try to understand the new words through context clues and phonics skills. This process helps children develop a wide vocabulary that they can use to more precisely articulate a thought or describe a situation. It also sharpens their vocabulary skills for the next challenging words they come across.