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Principal’s Message

Greetings to each one of you,

In the present times, we find ourselves in a uniquely different global landscape compared to the environment in which we were raised and educated. The pace at which the world is changing is making us educators contemplate if we are equipped to handle and guide our children accordingly.

Such questions help us to engage in an ongoing cycle of reflection, analysis, and implementation based on results. This led us to work towards establishing a well-balanced curriculum at DPSG.

At DPSG Sushant Lok, we strive to foster the growth of young minds into independent thinkers, creative souls, and compassionate individuals. These individuals will grow to become guiding lights, contributing to a world filled with affection, respect, and happiness.

We continue to nurture the values of respecting one another, taking pride in our culture, and treating it with reverence, responsibility, and a profound sense of honor.
Motivating and nurturing each individual who grows into a responsible global citizen.

We believe in instilling in our students the mindset to pursue learning and excellence. Whether in sports, arts, or academics, the mantra guiding them will be to surpass their former selves.

DPSG celebrates individualism and empowers each child to consistently outdo their personal best.

Ruchi Bhatia
Principal, DPSG Sushant Lok