Enquire Now

Teacher's Corner


BY ADMIN PUBLISHED September 19, 2020, UPDATED December 2, 2022

Gender refers to the roles, behaviours, activities, attributes and opportunities that any society considers appropriate for girls and boys, and women and men. From a very early age we are taught that gender is binary and socio-cultural practices around us restrict certain roles to a particular gender. It is high time that we evolve as a society and break these gender stereotypes.

School is a child’s second home, his or her training ground- a place where children decide to dream and take decisions about their future. We must all ensure that we create an environment that treats all the genders equally.

There is a notion, quite prevalent, that Science stream is for boys as boys ought to opt for engineering or medicine as careers whereas Humanities stream is easier and meant for girls. There are stereotypes attached with choice of sport made by an individual too.

We must realise that no subject choice defines any individual and therefore we all are equal. It is the hard work that defines us rather than grades or career preference.

Our Orthodox society tries to intersect the idea of gender with a hierarchy where women lie beneath men and so on. With only conscious decision- making, awareness and strong sensitization, we can bring about a change in the current norms and make this world a better place to live in.

And for all this the best way is to

  •  read as much as you can because with more knowledge comes more strength that can enable you to change the world around you
  • be ready to accept and include everyone no matter what gender they belong to and have a kind heart for all.

Aastha Sachdeva



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