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World Laughter Day

BY ADMIN PUBLISHED March 4, 2021, UPDATED January 1, 1970

Charlie Chaplin, the famous comic artist said “Laughter is the tonic, the relief, the surcease for pain” and “A day without laughter is a day wasted”. The very first Laughter Day was celebrated in the year 1998 on 10th May, in Mumbai and the man behind this revolutionary idea was Dr. Madan Kataria, founder of the world Laughter Yoga Movement in 1995. While forming the Laughter Yoga movement, Dr.Kataria worked on the facial feedback hypothesis, according to which, one’s facial expressions have a deep impact and effect on one’s emotions and feelings. He carried forward the same ideology while initiating the Laughter Day.

Dr. Madan Kataria once said, “When you laugh, you change and when you change the whole world changes around you”.

As so many great people have talked about the necessity of laughter, let me brief you with few of the benefits of laughter.

  • When you are happy, you can make better decisions and improve your creativity.
  • Being happy promotes a healthy lifestyle. It may also help combat stress, boost your immune system, protect your heart and reduce pain.
  • Being happy makes us reduce heart diseases, it works as a natural pain killer, improves breathing, gives you good sleep , Decreases stress and makes you look young.
  • Being happy improves our mood and improves our relationships and makes us feel good about ourselves.

 How to celebrate World Laughter Day?

In this pandemic when everyone is confined in their homes and the travelling time to the working places is saved; that time can best be utilized to celebrate every day as laughter day. In past years, we always found ourselves short with time to spend quality time with each other but by adopting certain habits and exploring new we can get the spark we were striving for in our lives.

  1. Play board games with your family, it’s the best time when all the family members can be together to chit – chat and focus on the same thing which will help them to come closer and know each other in a better way.
  2. Try new recipes- Volunteer to be a trainee chef for a day. Another opportunity to learn something under the best guidance of your family member. It always gives us moments to laugh and smile when we work together.
  3. Explore a new language via internet or hobbies like dancing, singing, painting – Being unknown to known always gives pleasure and a sense of achievement which automatically brings happiness in our lives.

In the end, I would just say that we don’t need a certain day to celebrate laughter. It’s an integral part of life. We simply need to monitor are we nurturing it or waiting for others to plant it in us.

So, how many times did you smile today?

Ous Chaturvedi

8 C

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